

COVID – The Great Abuse (Part 2)

– The HCQ story repeated itself almost identically with another cheap and well known medication: Ivermectin. Ivermectin is a decades old antiparasitic drug which has been used billions of times and is considered one of the safest out there. Their…

COVID – The Great Abuse (Part 1)

When the corona virus was spreading from China governments and their experts tried to understand the threat and find ways to deal with it. Following the Chinese example, lockdowns were enforced almost everywhere. The main argument was to flatten the…

The Great Reset – Promises and Reality

For years the Great Reset has been promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF proclaims it to be the solution for the, in its own words “fragility and societally negative outcomes of contemporary capitalist economies.” It claims that…

Climate Change and the Scientific Method

In Blog 1 in this series I described how science as the expression of reason was developed in the enlightenment and how it is coming under pressure today. In this Blog 2 I discuss climate change from that perspective. The…